The Immigrant Awards

Categories Nominations

Anyone may submit a nomination for the Immigrant Community Awards with the nominee’s or
team’s permission. Self-nominations are also accepted. Nominations must clearly state/explain
why the individual(s) should be considered for these awards.

1. Community Leadership Award
The nominees of this award category are immigrant individuals or groups of individuals, who
through their volunteer and leadership contributions, extracurricular activities and community
involvement have demonstrated a multi-year commitment to the growth and betterment of the
community. This person cares about the immigrant community in Ottawa and their fellow
residents. They make our community a better place to live. This leadership may be demonstrated
in a variety of ways, through both formal and informal roles, including appointed, elected, or
volunteer positions, within Ottawa along with other membership organizations, schools and/or
Nominate Here!

2. Community Engagement Award (Making a Difference)
The nominees of this award category highlight their exceptional contributions to the community.
These prizes recognize the contributions of individuals who are committed to making community
programs a success for all. A five-person selection committee, comprising students, professors,
and community partners, selects the recipients.
Nominate Here!

3. Creative Arts Awards
The nominees of this award category should demonstrate a strong commitment to art, music,
and/or fashion. The award category is designed to recognize and celebrate outstanding
achievements and emerging talent in Ottawa Immigrant’s art, music, and/or fashion.
This category will include three (3) sub-categories.
1. Best male category.
2. Best female category.
3. Best LGTQ2+ category.
Nominate Here!

4. Service Provider of the Year Awards
This award recognizes community service providers serving the Ottawa community and making
a meaningful contribution to the immigrant community in Ottawa. Nominees in this category
have and are making a valuable and creative contribution to the improvement of the
socio-economic conditions of immigrants in the city.
Nominate Here!

5. Academic Excellence Awards
The Academic Excellence Award is conferred on a student whose academic performance during
the year demonstrates remarkable consistency at the highest level of achievement. The intent of
the award is to reward those who have achieved on different levels, including successfully
graduating from high school, and attaining admission to a post-secondary institution.
Additionally, the nominee should prove community involvement and leadership.
Nominate Here!